Life Sucks, and Then... It Doesn't! -- Letting Go of Control
I had an "episode."Like most annual physicals, the nurse ran an EKG. This is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. During the exam, I tell my doctor, "I can't breathe well, I'm not sleeping, my partner is indifferent, and I'm super stressed and unhappy." She offered, and I declined, Xanax. Advil makes me sleepy, so Xanax was out.Then off I went to work in Chicago again without anymore insight than what I already knew: I was miserable. I landed, turned my phone on, and listened to my doctor telling me that I need to return to her office immediately. She said I was having a "heart episode." But I was in Chicago now.That day, I proceeded to totally bomb an on-camera interview for which I had no preparation. And, long-story-short, this whole wreckage came tumbling down... a blessing in disguise.Now, I'm not one to make big moves without lots of information so I called a close friend, my coaching "go-to", Ellen Yale. We went through every intricacy I could think of that might trip me up along the way. She pushed my thoughts around like any great coach should, and it all came around the idea that I would end up broke, homeless, and jobless - all untrue. Big fears!Then, as I stood at my back door, talking to Michele Woodward, a long-time friend and coaching colleague. She asks me to visualize what I want and it looks something like the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. This was quite a stretch from where I was, getting ready to leave for China.She asked, "Why don't you quit?" And it all opened up and became clear. I could do whatever I wanted!Fast-forward two years, and LG Coaching is alive and well. So, what did I learn that can help you operate at your highest potential? Can you actually become the leader of your life? As I travel this road with you, I've learned:
- That there is always a positive side to any story or experience. It all depends on how you tell it.
- That being fearful and worried will create more anxiety than answers. Making stuff up that may never happen needs to stop at some point.
- That saying "No, this is not for me" is one of the most important things you can do in your life. Not being able to say "no" is a sign of low self-worth. You are way more than that!
- That every "What if..." can be completely affirmative.What if... you did what you wanted to? What if... you find bliss? And what if it all works out perfectly?
When we let go of the need to control our outcomes and release attachment to the results, we're left with pure potential to develop whatever we want!What you do with that potential is your outcome. As you let go of the need to arrange your life perfectly, you may just receive the freedom to be yourself!