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I hope it resonates!
A joy-filled life takes courage. The courage to place your fear aside. The courage to walk forward in truth. And the courage to create what you want.
· Peek into real life situations and stories that trigger real-life feelings and actions.
· Learn how to stand in your strength so you can do, say and be exactly what you want to – at home or at work.
· Gain, and care for, the courage you’ll need at-the-ready in order to confidently make the moves to reconfigure your life.
· Manage your fear and refine your decision-making skills so your life will reflect what you’ve always wanted.
· Build your cheat-sheet with all the practices you’ll ever need so you can support yourself all-day, every-day.
When you read through the covers of this book, you’ll have an intimate view into the author’s courageous pursuit for self-confidence and acceptance, and for living life on her own terms. And each step of the way, you’ll obtain the tools to capture your own freedom and peace. Why would you wait!?

“…But mainly, the writing of this book is to acknowledge that without working my way through my own life experiences, I wouldn’t be able to have the strong relationships I truly yearned for. We are all a constant work in progress.
I knew creating a book was going to be a big undertaking. I realized there was a lot going on in my head. I also knew that it probably needed to be elsewhere.
Writing what was bouncing around in my head was a particular practice I began decades ago while on a solitary vacation. I spent most of my days that week dumping my brain into journals. I found that writing helped me communicate with myself, and in the writing, I felt a clarity to begin my own path of self-discovery - again! So, I felt that a book might help me - and you.

“In time, I realized that what I called weirdness actually helped my clients craft their own unique lives differently. They thought about that I said to them, how I worked with team, and how I communicated with them.
we’ll be focused on the space where your inside Self and Outside Self come together and move out into the world. My experience has taught me that when you can operate with both selves in sync and balanced, you move leaps in your life. And there’s only one way.
Over my decades of coaching, I’ve watched so many clients make some amazingly courageous leaps.
But one client sticks out among the rest…”
Please… read along with me…

“…But mainly, the writing of this book is to acknowledge that without working my way through my own life experiences, I wouldn’t be able to have the strong relationships I truly yearned for. We are all a constant work in progress.
I knew creating a book was going to be a big undertaking. I realized there was a lot going on in my head. I also knew that it probably needed to be elsewhere.
Writing what was bouncing around in my head was a particular practice I began decades ago while on a solitary vacation. I spent most of my days that week dumping my brain into journals. I found that writing helped me communicate with myself, and in the writing, I felt a clarity to begin my own path of self-discovery - again! So, I felt that a book might help me - and you.
One-on-one coaching
Perfect for brainstorming, solving problems, working through difficult conversation scripts, creating action items, or prioritizing plans.Hire a strong problem-solver who’s on your side. I’ll push you to think about the potential and possibilities for your best case scenario.
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3-month all-inclusive coaching
You have some great ideas that need to be brought to fruition. Launching a new business? Major change ahead? Side-kick coaching will make a big difference.This all-inclusive option includes weekly coaching, 30-minute anytime access with a private link to my schedule, partnership and accountability.
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