The Other Side of My World
Last week I wrote about the story behind the story. We all have them. We also have a bunch of worlds that we live and operate within, right?I always loved the international aspects of business, but once a long time ago, I needed to choose between international and local projects. This was also years before I ever trained as a coach or received any other specific training around decision-making or conflict. I was making shit up based only upon what I knew and what world I wanted to operate within. How could I ever let go of the work in Mexico I loved so much. I finally did decide.But first...One of the reasons I chose Martha Beck as my mentor for my coaching certification and my Master Coaching status was because she wrote so succinctly about the social and essential self. In a nutshell, we are born as our essential selves. Our deep brilliance and gifts live there. Then we become socialized, and we are created once again to operate within the world in which we have arrived. Staying true to that essential being while creating your RightLife is critical.Back when I was making shit up, I called this concept my Inside and Outside selves; so when I read this more fully in Finding Your Own North Star, I had to go deeper. My essential self showed up strongly! And I did. It made perfect sense that integrating these two people that were me was the best way to get happier. And I did. It tightened the world I operated within, but it was a much brighter and happier one.Another thing I believed - back in the day of making shit up - was that it was OK to let things go because something better would move into that space. This was a much harder concept for me grasp, but I had walked away from enough at a pretty early age that this felt 'legit.'On any given day, we can choose. Did you know you have a choice? Making good decisions for ourselves is hard work.On that Mexico vs. Not Mexico work I mentioned above... I could only do the thing that felt right. It was a crap shoot. For me, the choice came down to people. The choice became working with local clients that trusted and supported my work and were willing to work for what they wanted vs. clients that didn't view my work as a partnership and wanted something for nothing. It taught me then and now to always choose PEOPLE over anything else.And lo and behold, not only did that choice move me closer to one true self, but something better did move into that open space. I ended up taking a role that allowed me to travel the world - AND make new wonderful friendships in Mexico! The PEOPLE were fabulous!Now, with technology, my business can always be international. It all comes down to making strong decisions for yourself - and when that happens all odds are in your favor.I'll be teaching a webinar on making good decisions. It's part of Module Four in RightLife RuleBook.Today, after 30 years in business and over 10 years of coaching, I have a 5-step decision-making process I call "The Intricacies of Decision-Making." I have included it into RightLife RuleBook, and like yoga I believe eventually everyone will end up here!Here's some of what we'll cover in the webinar:
- How to move through making the right choice for yourself;
- How to know what you're still committed to and what to let go;
- How to confirm and feel secure about your choices.
This webinar will outline the process I go through when making "tough" decisions, and how to make the best decisions that serve your RightLife.Watch the video here: [Create Your Right Life Right Now.]I'd love to hear from you, too, on the RightLife RuleBook Video-Coaching Course.